Join us on Sundays at 10am at Bellevue West High School
We gather at 10:o0am at the Bellevue West High School auditorium. (1501 Thurston Ave, Bellevue, NE).
Gospel Communities provide a context for growing together as followers of Christ. We gather weekly for fellowship, service, prayer, and honest conversation.
Current Sermon Series:
Luke | The Kingdom Come
chapters 1 - 3
First City Church Family Discipleship
First City Church desires to come alongside children and youth of all ages as they learn to love and follow Jesus and share His story with others as they grow into adults who participate in the life of a local church.
FIrst city Kids (ages 1-9)
Every Sunday, during First City Kids, we remind children of God’s Big Story as we focus on a specific story in Scripture, teaching where it is in God’s timeline and how it points to Jesus. We use age-appropriate activities, crafts, and songs to reinforce that week’s story. First City Kids meets during our Sunday morning worship gathering.
First City Youth (Grades 4-5)
First City Youth teaches 4th-5th graders the foundational truths of Christianity and how to apply them in their own lives. Children are dismissed to First City Youth after the first portion of our worship gathering on the first and third Sundays of each month.
First City Students (Grades 6-12)
First City Students meets on Sunday evenings 2-3 times a month. During these Sunday gatherings, students learn what it means to live out the gospel in their lives through teaching and small group time. Students also share stories with one another of how God is transforming their lives.