
In past years, we’ve observed Lent as a time to grow individually in deeper dependence on God through fasting. This year, we’re shifting our focus. During this season of Lent, through the practices of fasting and prayer, we want to grow in deeper dependence on God as a church.

As First City Church prepares to plant a new church, we recognize our need for the Lord to move! Church planting is dependent on God moving; we cannot do it apart from His power. So during this season of Lent, we invite you to join us in fasting and prayer for God to work through First City to plant a church.

why plant churches?

Part of First City’s mission statement is to glorify God by planting churches. As we see in Scripture, churches are God’s primary means of mission. Through churches, the gospel is proclaimed and disciples are made. To reach more people in a city, a state, a country, and the world, more churches need to be planted!

First City Church is in the early stages of planting a new church. While many details are still unfolding, our heart is to send out a group of people to establish a gospel-centered church that will reach a new community. As we prepare for this, we need to pray for God’s guidance and provision and for the people He is calling to be part of this new work.

dependence on god

But we can’t plant churches on our own. We need the Lord to move, to gather His people, and to send them out for His glory. And through prayer and fasting, we call out to God to move in this way, from a posture of dependence.

fasting & prayer

We encourage you to set aside one day each week for fasting. As a church, we are aiming to fast for 24 hours each Thursday. If a full-day fast doesn't work for you, consider fasting for 12 hours or skipping one or two meals. And if Thursdays don’t work for you to fast, feel free to choose another day.

On the day that you fast, spend time during one or more mealtimes praying for the church plant. Each week, this resource will focus on a specific prayer point, along with a Scripture reading and a guided prayer.