Gospel centered.
First City Church exists to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and working for the good of our city.
Gospel Identities
Our Gospel Identities express who we are as a church.
In Christ, we have been adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters. We are no longer orphans, alienated from God and each other, but brothers and sisters in God’s family.
In Christ, we are now students of God’s word who desire to come under Jesus’s teaching, submit to his ways, and learn what it means to live life for his glory.
In Christ, we are servants in His world, zealous for the good works he has prepared for us. We do not seek to be served but to serve, willingly sacrificing for the good of others and the glory of God.
In Christ, God delivered us from our slavery to sin and self so we are now missionaries sent to reach our city through living “ordinary life with gospel intentionality.”
Our Core Values shape what we esteem as a church
Gospel Centered
The Gospel is the good news that God is saving sinners and renewing all things through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When God saves us, he saves us into a new family, a new community - the church.
On Mission
The church is God’s called-and-sent people, living on mission in the world by proclaiming his gospel and living for his glory.

Our Mission defines what we do as a church.
“First City Church exists to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and working for the good of our city.”