From religion, to history, to civil law and morality, to the fight for freedom, to art and entertainment, the book of Exodus has exercised profound influence on our world. It is the great redemption story of the Old Testament: God rescuing his people from slavery and setting them free to worship and serve him.
But Exodus is not just a story from the past. In the Exodus of Israel, we see a picture, a foreshadow of the salvation won by Jesus Christ. In Exodus, we learn that in Christ we have been rescued by the glory of God to live for the glory of God.

As you consider significant decisions, or even more so, deep questions of meaning and purpose, like how to view yourself, and how to view God, what voices do you tend to listen to? The book of Exodus reminds us that we can reject and dismiss God's voice. This sermon engages the story of the Plagues, a series of events challenging Pharaoh and His people after they have rejected the voice of God.