Join us as we walk through Exodus together this fall as a church! This will be a rich time to take a step in learning how to study the Bible and to grow in our understanding of God as we study Exodus chapters 1-15.

Bible Study participants will need to pre-register and order the Exodus Bible Study Guide through the sign-up links below (suggested donation of $10).

  • Women's Study

    The Women’s Bible Study will take place at First City Church (1908 Lloyd Street) from 7:30pm to 9pm on Monday nights. This study will include both large group teaching and small group discussion. Bible Study will kick off on September 12; our last meeting will be on October 17. (Sign-ups are closed.)

  • Men's Study

    The men will be divided into small groups, meeting for discussion at homes or coffee shops on Sunday or Monday evenings or Tuesday mornings at 6:30am. Bible Study will begin on October 22 and end on November 21.